The Ledger form will display all of the individual postings that make up the total balance of the account. They will be displayed in date order with a running balance

To view the details of a posting, right click/long press and then click/tap “View Details” . To view the document attached to a posting, you can double click/double tap.
At the top of the form is a search bar. Entering text in here and pressing Enter or clicking Search will find the first record that contains the search text. If you keep pressing Enter or clicking Search multiple times, it will cycle through all records that contain the search text

Scrolling up will take you back through the historical postings in the account. When you reach the top of the list, if there is a Brought Forward entry, you can pull down to load the earlier postings

At the bottom of the form is a CSV button, which will export all the records to a CSV file for further analysis