EcoGo! Mobile Expense Tracker Integrated With EcoOffice

At EcoOffice we are always looking for better ways to do our job faster, and more accurately. We are constantly analysing problems and developing systems or software to resolve them. Our latest problem solver is EcoGo

EcoGo solves a very tricky issue. Many business owners pay for business expenses while they are on the go. Keeping track of these expenses has always been a nightmare. EcoGo will resolve this by sending your expenses into your EcoOffice accounts immediately. You will then be able to see the actual receipt or invoice on your phone, or within your EcoOffice accountsEcoGo on iPhone

We are in the final stages of development and intend to release version 1 on April 6th 2017. It will be available on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store, so whether you use Apple or Android, phone or tablet, you will be able to EcoGo!

Replacing Online Expense Sheets

For small businesses that are not VAT registered, EcoGo will be used as a replacement for our online expense website. We've been wanting to update that site for some time and EcoGo has provided the perfect opportunity. You will be able to enter your expenses, income, and mileage, as well as send us photos of your bank statements and CIS statements

This also means that from April 6th, all of our clients who were using the online expense website, will have their own EcoOffice database. You will be able to view a level of information that you have never had access to before. For those of you who are actively trying to grow your businesses, this will give you the up-to-the-minute management information you desire

We have lots of exciting developments planned for 2017, but all of our updates and new releases will be announced initially on Facebook, so follow us there to be the first to try out our latest features!
Posted in EcoOffice.


James is the IT Manager at EcoOffice, with 15 years experience, responsible for all things technical. Currently overseeing development of EcoOffice desktop, EcoGo, and EcoOffice for the iPad

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